Multi-millet cookies: Enjoy the goodness of millets

Millets are a type of cereal grain that is often forgotten when it comes to our daily meals. Let’s rectify that mistake, shall we? Mixed in with some soya beans, these millet cookies will bring happiness to your kitchen and tummy. Millets are an excellent source of whole grains, with 100 grams of millets providing you with 12 grams of fiber. As most of us are aware, fiber is one of the most important nutrients for good health. It improves digestion, helps in lowering cholesterol levels, and cleanses our body through the elimination of toxins. Control Blood Sugar Millets are the richest source of proteins in food grains. They are highly recommended in breakfast because they are rich in protein, unlike cereals they don’t make you feel hungry for hours. They are gluten-free thus they can be consumed by people suffering from celiac disease. Millets, because of their high fiber and mineral contents, become a good additive for cookies making it beneficial for diabetics and people with h...